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Upcoming Public Trainings - Gelecek Dönem Açılacak Genel Katılıma Açık Eğitimler

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  • Consultancy

    With the aims of optimizing the possible gains GAR offers, to our local and global key accounts, proficient consultancy services with a diverse industrial expertise and deep knowledge through its…

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    Carbon & Energy Management

    International service provider, strongly committed to deliver sustainability centered solutions, aiming to provide the clients and external stakeholders with reliable and timely consultancy. Global Alliance Register is a client-based organization…

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    Third Party Inspection & Expediting

    Third Party Inspection Services provided by GAR covers a wide range of services from design review, inspection of the raw material, identification, in-process inspection to the final inspection. GAR guarantees…

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    Construction Project Management Services

    Global Alliance Register (GAR) provides a full range of construction project development and management services, offering independent advisory services and supervision on a wide range of projects from inception to…

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    Providing training, conferences, information and knowledge on Standards, Regulations, Local Legislation, Corporate & Individual Development, HR, Finance, and Motivation Programs, aims to improve the business processes of our local and…

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